Contact Call: 781 224-9876

Map Your Risk – FREE Tsunami Risk Mapping Assistance

Northeast States Emergency Consortium
Emergency Management Risk Assessment Center
NESEC FREE Tsunami Risk Mapping Assistance Application

Please complete this form and follow the instructions for submittal at the bottom of the page.

PLEASE NOTE: Only requests from government organizations in following US East Coast States are eligible to apply:

Connecticut, Delaware, Florida (Atlantic/East Coast), Georgia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Rhode Island, South Carolina & Virginia

Requests from private entities will be evaluated on case-by-case basis depending on the critical and essential nature of the organization. In no cases will support be provided to consulting firms or directly to individuals.

    CONTACT INFORMATION: All fields are required


    Please check appropriate box(es) below:

    Tsunami Risk Awareness Assessment

    Tsunami Social Vulnerability Analysis


    All applications received by NESEC will be reviewed, prioritized and evaluated based on current funding and priorities, the content of the request and other relevant factors such as levels of potential tsunami hazard risk and mitigation capacity in the affected area.

    Click "Send" to submit this form to NESEC.
