OTHER HAZARD MAPSThe Interior Geospatial Emergency Management System (IGEMS) provides the public with both an overview and more specific information on current natural hazard events. IGEMS uses data provided by outside sources as well as data from Interior bureaus such as the U.S. Geological Survey. It is supported by the Department of the Interior Office of Emergency Management.
Earth Observatory – Natural Hazards:
NASA’s Earth Observatory provides a map of natural hazards that were observed by NASA satellites in the past week. Each image is accompanied by a short write-up explaining the satellite photo and the science behind it.
RSOE EDIS Havaria Information Service:
Hungary’s National Association of Radio-Distress Signalling and Infocommunications provides an AlertMap which shows the real-time locations of emergencies, hazards, and other incidents in the US and around the world.
FAA Current Airport Status:
The FAA provides a map of the status of airports. This map is updated in real time.
NWS Interactive Weather Map:
The NWS Interactive Weather Map allows users to view maps of current temperatures, weather, wind gusts, snow depth, and wave height by moving their mouse over a table on the right side of the screen.
The National Atlas:
The National Atlas Map Maker also provides a mapping tool to create customized maps in real-time. The map controls are complex, but the user can create their own custom maps from dozens of data sources. Several hazard maps can also be created using this system, including maps of historical hazardous events (under the Climate menu), several Earthquake and Landslide maps, including landslide susceptibility) are listed under the Geology menu; and historical West Nile Virus maps are available under the People-Health submenu.
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