NWS River Flood Forecast Center:
The National Weather Service River Forecast Center provides real-time data on hundreds of river flood gauges across the United States. This is the most complete listing of stream gages at or above flood stage in the U.S. Please note that these flood reports are not adjusted for ice. This map is updated every few hours.
The USGS flood and high flow map shows the location of stream gages currently at flood stage or approaching flood stage. Please note that flood conditions may be more extensive than those shown on the map. The NWS River Forecast Center monitors additional non-USGS stream gauges not shown on this map. This map is updated regularly.
The National Weather Service provides flooding forecasts for the entire United States at their Significant River Flood Outlook site. Predictions are provided on a weekly basis.
The USGS hosts a relative streamflow map that tracks short-term changes of water flow in rivers and streams. This map compares current streamflows at USGS stream gauging sites to historical records, and reports whether a given river is running higher or lower than normal for this time of year. This map is updated daily.
NOAA Water Level Monitoring Stations:
NOAA provides a web site which graphs the current and expected tide levels as recorded from their national network of Water Level Monitoring Stations. The web site also provides a list of stations which are currently experiencing High Water Advisories and Storm Tide Alerts throughout the United States. The water level graphs are updated several times a day.
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