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Written by NESEC on September 29, 2014 in Real-Time Hazard Maps

Vaisala Lightning Strikes MapVaisala – Lightning Explorer:

Vaisala hosts a lightning strikes map which displays 90% to 95% of lighting strikes throughout the United States. The lightning strikes map display is 20 minutes behind real-time, and is updated every 20 minutes.

Lightning Probability MapNWS Lightning Probability Forecast:

The National Weather Service in partnership with several agencies provides a lightning prediction map which displays the likelihood of lighting strikes throughout the U.S. over the next 3 hours. The map is accessed by choosing your region on the left hand side, and then clicking “Prob. CG ltg”. Times on the map are shown in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC), also known as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), which is 5 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time (EST) and 4 hours ahead of Eastern Daylight Time (EDT). These maps are updated every few hours.
