RAIN AND SNOWThe NWS has created a national doppler radar map which shows areas of precipitation (rain, snow, or hail) throughout the United States. The amount of the precipitation shown by the color. Light precipitation is blue, moderate is green to yellow, and heavy precipitation is red. This map is updated often.
NWS Rainfall Probability Forecast:
The National Weather Service in partnership with several agencies provides a rainfall prediction map which displays likely rainfall amounts for the next 3 hours throughout the U.S. The map is accessed by choosing your region on the left hand side, and then clicking Rainfall amount. Times on the map are shown in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC), which is 5 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time (EST) and 4 hours ahead of Eastern Daylight Savings Time (EDT). These maps are updated every few hours.
NCAR provides a basic Snow Map which simply depicts areas covered in snow or ice.
NCAR also provides a Snow Depth Map for Canada and the U.S. (Note: Snow depth is measured in centimeters.)
Weather Street provides a map of snow depth updated hourly.
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