Real-Time Hazard Maps

OTHER HAZARD MAPS The Interior Geospatial Emergency Management System (IGEMS) provides the public with both an overview and more specific information on current natural hazard events. IGEMS uses data provided by outside sources as well as data from Interior bureaus such as the U.S. Geological Survey. It is supported by the Department of the Interior Office of […]

ECONOMIC HAZARDS Economic Hazard – Unemployment Rates by State: The Bureau of Labor Statistics provides substantial unemployment information, including a tables and maps of seasonally adjusted unemployment rates by state. This map is two months behind real time, and is updated monthly. Economic Hazard – Unemployment Rates in New England: The Bureau of Labor Statistics provides […]

AIR QUALITY AirNow National Air Quality Map: The government AirNow Web Site provides a National Air Quality Forecast Map for major U.S. cities. These forecasts are updated daily. AirNow Air Pollution Action Days Map: The government AirNow Web Site provides a map of U.S. cities that have declared “Action Days” due to high air pollution. These forecasts are updated daily.

LIGHTNING Vaisala – Lightning Explorer: Vaisala hosts a lightning strikes map which displays 90% to 95% of lighting strikes throughout the United States. The lightning strikes map display is 20 minutes behind real-time, and is updated every 20 minutes. NWS Lightning Probability Forecast: The National Weather Service in partnership with several agencies provides a lightning prediction map which displays the likelihood of […]

TORNADOES NWS Tornado Watches: The NWS Storm Prediction Center provides a map of active tornado and severe thunderstorm watches in the United States. BLUE boxes are severe thunderstorm watches, and RED boxes are tornado watches. This map is updated continuously. NWS Current Storm Reports: The NWS Storm Prediction Center provides a real-time map of current tornado touchdowns, high winds, and hail strikes for the U.S. These images are […]

EXTREME WEATHER NWS Watch, Warning and Advisory Map: The National Weather Service produces a Watch, Warning, and Advisory map that shows currently active weather warnings, watches, and advisories throughout the U.S. Please note that map will only display the most severe weather advisory for your area. To see a list of all weather advisories currently affecting your area, click […]

RAIN AND SNOW NWS Doppler Radar Mosaic: The NWS has created a national doppler radar map which shows areas of precipitation (rain, snow, or hail) throughout the United States. The amount of the precipitation shown by the color. Light precipitation is blue, moderate is green to yellow, and heavy precipitation is red. This map is updated often. NWS Rainfall Probability Forecast: […]

DROUGHTS US Drought Monitor: The National Drought Mitigation Center runs the US Drought Monitoring Map which tracks drought intensities across the U.S. This map is updated every Thursday at 8:30AM EST. US Drought Monitor – 12 Week History: The National Drought Mitigation Center also has animated historical maps which show the changes in drought conditions across the US within recent months […]

FLUS AND OUTBREAKS COVID-19 Pandemic Flu Map (Click on Map for Current CDC Map and Information) The CDC provides a web page detailing COVID-19 Cases in the US. The CDC also maintains weekly Pandemic Flu Map which shows the severity of flu outbreaks in each state and territories across the U.S. Influenza Summary Map (Click on Map for Current […]

WILDFIRES Current Wildfire Dangers: The USDA Forest Service Wildland Fire Assessment System provides a daily assessment of current fires and fire dangers in the U.S. Wildfire Danger Forecast: The USDA Forest Service Wildland Fire Assessment System also provides a short-term forecast of fire danger for the next day. NOAA Fire Weather Forecast: The NWS Fire Weather Forecasts provide short-term forecasts of wildfire danger by assessing whether […]
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